Idaho record book elk

In his second year of entering idaho fish and games super hunt drawing, moody bought one entry each for deer, elk and moose. According to stan grebe, an official measurer for boone and crockett, pope and young and the muzzleloader record book, heins elk posted a gross score of 382 28 and a net of 375 28 after the. Dennis austad of ammon, idaho, poses with a bull elk that was certified on jan. Mature mule deer bucks are a trophy for many hunters, and every year a few idaho bucks make the record books. Top 10 list these lists are based on the last printing of their respective record books state search. Now that word has gotten out of their potential, a trophy elk hunt on one of these reservations will set you back a mortgage payment or 10. Our newest book, idaho s greatest mule deer, 2nd edition, was just released in 2018. Photos of elk harvest, stories, and strictly idaho elk hunting for all to enjoy.

Guide tony barber, left, confirmed that this bull elk was not killed in. Idahos greatest elk, the second book in the series, followed suit in 2006. To be eligible for a state record, all of these must be true. The montana hunter has chosen for now to remain anonymous, also keeping secret the exact. Idahos hunting trophy records have recently become available on the fish and game departments internet website. Garth sessions was all smiles as he carried out what would become the largest nontypical bull elk recorded in montana. It will appear at a later date on the department web site. To order idahos greatest mule deer, elk, andor whitetails, call. Story about biggest bull elk turns out to be big bull the spokesman. World record typical bull elk, taken with broadmouth canyon ranch at out idaho location.

I dont know if its possible to get court records or not to see exactly what was. The elks official entry score was confirmed at an astounding 430 inches. Idaho links the muley crazy cover deer to an illegal harvest. Idaho s greatest mule deer, the first book in the series, continues to be a mustread book for all hunters interested in this states hunting heritage. Second chance lands nearrecord elk the denver post. Record animal record holder general location year of record score. For comparison, the official boone and crockett world record bull. Idaho s greatest whitetails, the third book in the series, was released in 2010.

There are 7 of us in my family, that elk would have provided a lot of meat. Az for the past few decades, some native american reservations in the southwest have been producing an inordinate amount of recordbook elkthe white mountain apache in arizona for one, another is the san carlos apache reservation in eastern arizona. Hatfield, who just finished researching and publishing the book, idahos greatest elk. Now idaho s greatest elk continues the tradition, preserving in photos and stories the history behind the states biggest, best, and most interesting elk. Dedicated to gathering, preserving, and sharing idahos hunting history and heritage. Montana archers bull elk may be world record hunting. The fish was caught by the holder of a valid idaho fishing license. One of the unique things about keeping a record book for all the biggest trophies in history is that it connects hunters stories from all generations. The record book is compiled by fish and game retiree ralph pehrson and is currently available at department offices.

Hunter bags massive elk in south idaho xtreme idaho. Strike reservoir darrell grim 1966 bluegillpseed hybrid 1. Records book listings, locations, and measurements of idahos typical and. The club is dedicated to preserving our hunting heritage, scoring and keeping big game records, maintaining hunter ethics, and furthering conservation. Weight record game fish most recent entry is highlighted in this color. Check out what the great state of idaho has for elk. Idahos big game record book now contains 1,146 total entries.

70 779 737 923 1055 1423 1433 1053 966 1114 1422 559 744 824 267 1178 1220 766 177 730 574 1256 889 235 1481 201 1173 70 586 1115 725 102 1474 1253 73 1144 806 1432 105 778